Welcome to Elation Academy

Our Master Your Mindset® Courses Improve Personal and Professional Performance through Neuroscience


How our unique mindset shapes our perceptions and interactions with  the world around us.

The power of our unconscious brain and its influential role with our conscious thinking and behaviors.

The bedrock importance of calming our minds as a key practice for resilience and high performance.

Research related to growth and fixed mindset as a fundamental cognitive bias that affects how we learn and perform.

Other important concepts you will learn about (click for descriptions)

Daniel Kahneman’s research about how “fast” and “slow” thinking explains our brain’s hardwiring and efficiency.

How cognitive bias reflects the unconscious and conscious brain and influences our memories and opinions.

How the neurological social brain and its fundamental desire to belong, maximizes social reward and minimizes social threat.

The concept of personal accountability as a choice between being a victim or being accountable; as well as assuming responsibility for the choices we make and how those choices have direct outcomes.

"I found this course extremely useful in understanding why I think and act the way I do. This has profound implications for how I manage my team, communicate with others and think about my career moving forward. Well worth the approximately four hours it took me to move through the material. I have gone back in and printed out materials for my team."

R. Hertzer
Philadelphia, PA

"There are two big questions in my head regarding our patients and staff: why is everyone so angry and why I am so tired?! The approach of this course helped me interpret what was going on in my department, my clinic and even in my personal life. The lessons are timeless and are presented in a way that is quite intuitive. Highly recommend."

S. Shah
St. Louis, MO

"As an executive coach I loved the content and layout of this course. It helps me explore many of the most important themes related to high performance and help clients understand where they are and where they might want to be. The videos, reading material and reflection questionnaires are highly engaging. I would recommend this to anyone interested in understanding more about their own leadership practices and how they can improve. A relatively small time investment that pays big rewards."

S. Lewis
Livingston, MT



Work at your own pace, when you want and where you want! Material can be printed out to reinforce learning and development.


We use the most current research in neuroscience to help you better understand how to shift mindset in order to enhance performance.


To help you learn the content, we created custom animations and short video vignettes.


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